During the heat of the summer, you might be desperate for a cooler living space to relax in. However, by the time winter rolls around, you want peace of mind that you’re not going to freeze in your home. When your house is cold during these months, the first thing you’re likely to do is to turn on your heating, but if your home is poorly insulated, you might find that you’re using a lot of energy to keep your living space warm.

If you want to keep your home heated while reducing your bills, lowering energy wastage, and doing more for the planet, here are several modern updates to your property you can make.

1.   Upgrade Your Insulation

If you are noticing that your home is losing a lot of heat, it is likely that your insulation is not the best quality, as mentioned above. While upgrading your property’s insulation can be costly, it is one of the best ways to make your home warmer in the long term.

If you want to take an eco-friendlier approach to your home’s insulation, some materials you could use include fiberglass, hemp, and cotton. You can read more about environmentally friendly insulation here.

2.   Double Glazing

Another way to help keep your home warmer is by making sure you have double or triple-glazed windows. This kind of glass can help retain the heat in your home more effectively and can be found installed in most modern properties.

If you live in a house with single-glazing windows, you could always look at the option of secondary glazing, which can be more cost-effective in some cases than replacing the entire window. If you go down this route, just make sure that you keep your secondary glazing clean for better-looking windows.

3.   Hang Thick Drapes

Even with good quality windows, it can still feel cooler around them than in other parts of your home. If you want to keep cozy in the winter, think about hanging some thick drapes by your curtains as this can be more effective at keeping the warmth in the room and the cold out. If you don’t want them up all year, you could always switch the drapes out for a lighter material during the summertime if you wanted to.

4.   Insulation Under Carpets

When you are replacing the carpets or flooring in your home, make sure that you are investing in an insulation layer that will sit underneath your floor. This will help prevent the cold in the ground from rising and chilling your home.

You should also be mindful of the kind of flooring that you choose in your home, as carpets will make the property feel warmer. Still, if you choose wood floors, place a rug over the top as this can make a room feel cozier and create more warmth.

If you have noticed that your home gets quite cold throughout the winter season, consider these suggestions to increase the temperature during this time of year and hopefully save money on your heating bills as well.

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