As the planet’s wellbeing becomes progressively critical, you can see a growing sense of awareness and increasing attention to conservation. Efforts to any degree can be credited to the push for change by society, and are notably reflected not only in daily behaviors but also in government policies as well as business operations.

In 2021, there is more responsibility on the individual than ever before to make strides toward a greener lifestyle. If you’re ready to take the initiative but you’re not sure where to start, learn about some of these green living trends that will shape the environment and the way we live in 2021.


  1. Remote work

The pandemic has created an overwhelming demand for organizations to accommodate remote workforces. How is this sustainable, you may ask? Well, more people working from home means less commuting and less travel in general, resulting in fewer carbon emissions, less usage of fossil fuels, and less overall strain on our environment. With 71% of people working from home and 54% still planning on working remotely when the pandemic subsides, we can expect to observe these eco-improvements into 2021.

  1. Migrating to the suburbs

Work-from-home standards also have people reconsidering where they live and the types of homes that they want to live in. Some are flocking from densely populated areas in hopes to avoid pandemic repercussions, while others don’t have enough space in their current homes. Most importantly, many now have the flexibility in their careers to migrate to more affordable locations and search for houses on the market that better suit their new, greener lifestyle.

  1. Sustainable cities

As people sell their homes and consider moving to cities all across the country, sustainability will be a top consideration when deciding on where to buy a home and start their career. Large numbers of Millennials and Gen Z, who are known to be some of the biggest advocates for environmental change, will make up for a large portion of homebuyers in the next decade. This will in turn reinforce the importance of establishing sustainable cities in terms of business, infrastructure, transportation, and more.

  1. Eco-friendly design

Heavier emphasis on sustainability is also evident inside homes and offices, as homeowners and business owners alike make better use of renewed and recycled materials. From taking advantage of secondhand furniture to utilizing energy-efficient tools like solar panels, there are plenty of eco-friendly systems that will impact interior design trends in 2021. It’s likely that we’ll see green features in how infrastructure is built as well — designers and builders will push to replace synthetic building materials with natural ones, such as vinyl flooring rather than linoleum.

  1. Zero-waste commitments

With more people spending time at home, the more obvious the overwhelming amount of waste that we all produce becomes. Limiting the use of plastic, growing your own food, and composting are becoming more popular in reducing waste at home. Businesses, alongside households, have also made commitments to reduce their overall waste production with strategies such as reusable packaging, designing reusable products, and reducing the company’s overall emissions and carbon footprint.

  1. Smart home technology

An increased desire for health and safety paired with more time inside the house will push more people toward incorporating smart technologies into their lifestyles and homes in 2021. Smart security systems will give families at home peace of mind, while smart thermostats and smart lighting control will keep tight control over the amount of energy a household is using. The opportunities for conserving energy and water are seemingly endless when it comes to smart technologies — smart utilities, blinds, entertainment systems, locks, can all be environmentally conscious solutions for reducing your personal carbon footprint.

While federal and organizational environmental policies can be a groundbreaking step toward zero waste and zero emission, true sustainability begins inside the home. The everyday household can take the first steps by making changes to their habits — no matter how small or how large — by keeping up-to-date with current trends and being more conscious of their individual impact on the earth.

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